iPhone X-12 Double-stacked Board Separation & Recombination | REWA Academy Tips

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To separate and recombine the double-stacked motherboard is a very important step for motherboard repair of iPhone X and models above. Slight errors may result in pseudo soldering or other problems. Therefore, this video will help you master motherboard repair tips and improve repairability by sharing detailed separation & recombination methods and notes. The tips in this video apply to iPhone X and models above.

Products recommended in this video: Anti-static Professional Edition Heating Platform: https://shop.rewa.tech/detail/anti-static-professional-edition-heating-platform-for-motherboard-cpu-face-id-wl-mini203h-oem-new.html

Soldering Iron Station:https://shop.rewa.tech/detail/sugon-t26d-smd-soldering-iron-station.html

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